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Harmen Reyngoudt
Institute of Myology
Medical imaging
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{{education.year_start}} - {{education.year_stop}}
Finished on {{education.year_stop}}
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Institute of Myology
Society on Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Disorders
Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission
Ghent University
Institut d'Imagerie Biomédicale
Ghent University Hospital
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Clinical Studies 2 Source: ClinicalTrials
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Cohort/Consortium Investigators 0
Drugs and Sponsors Source: ClinicalTrials
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Clinical Studies
LeadR Networks
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LeadR Networks
Connection list
Name | Organization | Country | Linked |
Yves Fromes | Institute of Myology | France | 9 |
Teresa Gidaro | Hôpital Armand-Trousseau | France | 9 |
Jean-Yves Hogrel | Institute of Myology | France | 12 |
Wim Derave | Ghent University | Belgium | 7 |
Pierre G Carlier | Institute of Myology | France | 5 |
Koen Paemeleire | Ghent University Hospital | Belgium | 11 |
Benedicte Descamps | Ghent University | Belgium | 16 |
Anthony Behin | Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris | France | 6 |
Karel Deblaere | Ghent University Hospital | Belgium | 2 |
Pierre-Yves Baudin | Institute of Myology | France | 14 |
Eric Achten | Ghent University Hospital | Belgium | 4 |
Mélanie Annoussamy | Institute of Myology | France | 6 |
Benjamin Marty | Institute of Myology | France | 5 |
Jean-Marc Boisserie | Institute of Myology | France | 3 |
Hermien E Kan | Leiden University Medical Center | Netherlands | 15 |
Ericky Caldas de Almeida Araújo | Institute of Myology | France | 3 |
Julien Le Louër | Institute of Myology | France | 3 |
Olivier Benveniste | Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital | France | 4 |
Laurent Servais | John Radcliffe Hospital | United Kingdom | 4 |
Baptiste Hervier | Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris | France | 8 |
Yves De Deene | Ingham Institute | Australia | 10 |
Yves Allenbach | Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital | France | 3 |
Pierre G Carlier | Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc | Belgium | 3 |
Giulia Hardouin | Imagine Institute for Genetic Diseases | France | 2 |
Ericky C A Araujo | Institute of Myology | France | 2 |