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{{education.year_start}} - {{education.year_stop}}
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University of Turin
Society on Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Disorders
University of Chieti-Pescara
Department of Biomedicine Basel
University of Barcelona
{{ society.Society }} ({{ society.Acronym }})
{{society.Last5Years.YearStop | getYearSpan(society.Last5Years.YearStart)}}
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LeadR Networks
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Connection list
Name | Organization | Country | Linked |
Filippo Rossi Fanelli | University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland | Switzerland | 3 |
Maurilio Sampaolesi | KU Leuven | Belgium | 96 |
Alessandro Fanzani | University of Brescia | Italy | 5 |
Maurizio Muscaritoli | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | 9 |
Josep M Argilés | University of Barcelona | Spain | 33 |
Paola Costelli | University of Turin | Italy | 19 |
Sílvia Busquets | University of Barcelona | Spain | 43 |
Juha J Hulmi | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | 5 |
Paolo E Porporato | University of Turin | Italy | 6 |
Míriam Toledo | Institut D'Investigacions Biomediques August Pi I Sunyer | Spain | 154 |
Zaira Aversa | Mayo Clinic (United States, Rochester) | United States | 18 |
Giuseppina Caretti | University of Milan | Italy | 3 |
Fabrizio Pin | Indiana University School of Medicine | United States | 4 |
Andrea Bonetto | University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus | United States | 63 |
Domiziana Costamagna | KU Leuven | Belgium | 8 |
Riccardo Ballarò | The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center | United States | 21 |
Serena De Lucia | University of Turin | Italy | 13 |
Francisco J López-Soriano | University of Barcelona | Spain | 14 |
Claudia Fornelli | University of Turin | Italy | 5 |
Marc Beltrà | Institute for Research in Biomedicine | Spain | 5 |
Noora Pöllänen | University of Helsinki | Finland | 6 |
Andrea Camperi | University of Turin | Italy | 4 |
Gabriella Bonelli | University of Turin | Italy | 2 |
Lorena Garcia-Castillo | University of Turin | Italy | 25 |