One to Business Starter

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One-to-Business Starter to Identify experts & Stay informed at only 99€ per month.

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ScienceOne SAS - 128 Rue de la Boétie 75 008 Paris France Phone : +33 7 80 91 21 98
SIRET : 90074906000019 R.C.S. Paris Code NAF : 7022Z
Dedicated to Clinical Research Organization
Scientific intelligence tailored to your needs
Find the best information at the right time
Identify experts with multi criteria search tools
(expertise, location, organization, specialty)
Get detailed 360° CVs
(experience, publication, clinical studies, network)
Get top 50 / top 100 rankings
Find rising stars and young talents
Deep dive indication analysis
Map out and track specific indications
Receive automated news alerts
about indications, experts, guidelines
Identify best sites per indication
Assess investigators and sites globally
per country or per region
Unique Ranking system (SLR) based on role,
type of study, status, phases and environment
Communicate with experts
Targeted emails
Take advantage of KOL and scientific network
coaching and services

ScienceOne SAS - 128 Rue de la Boétie 75 008 Paris France Phone : +33 7 80 91 21 98
SIRET : 90074906000019 R.C.S. Paris Code NAF : 7022Z
ScienceLeadR: A new generation platform dedicated to health experts
3,5 Millions qualified profiles
Updated daily (resume, publications, clinical trials,...)
Open platform to all stakeholders (free access to experts)
Unique ScienceLeadR Reputation (SLR) Ranking system
Fast, Accurate and Easy to use
Example of Medical indication: Thrombosis + Neoplasms or Heart Failure + Cachexia
(*) User can change one time per month the selected medical indication.
On demand analysis for new concepts: Create new MeSH on demand => extraction of articles,
studies and experts with location.
10 days free access
Click on the link or scan the QR code to get 10 days free access to
ScienceLeadr Platform.